

Software complexity is growing exponentially. Trust needs to keep up.

Traditional vulnerability management and reporting grew up in a world where software was simple. It was OK to ignore most vulnerabilities, analysts could manually investigate the rest, and all companies had to do to demonstrate safe software was provide a high-level explanation of their engineering practices.

That's changed. Software complexity is exploding, customers and regulators demand nuanced reports on vulnerabilities and supply chains, and the conversation about what the 'real' CVEs are is time-consuming for vendors and confusing for buyers.

Scanners are too noisy, reports are too CVE-centric, and engineering and security teams are burdened by investigating and explaining every vulnerability and code nuance. The result is a wasteful process that frustrates everyone.

At Syntra, we're building a better way to understand, investigate, and report on vulnerabilities and supply chains. If you're interested, we'd love to chat.

Neil Patil

Utsav Shah